The command to encrypt xfile is
The command to encrypt xfile is

the command to encrypt xfile is

#The command to encrypt xfile is update

The /U switch update user's file encryption key or recovery keys to the current ones if they are changed. Tries to touch all the encrypted files on local drives. Performs the specified operation on directories in the given directory and all subdirectories. If ECC is specified, it must be followed by a key size of 256, 384, or 521. Note: By default, /R creates a 2048-bit RSA recovery key and certificate. CER file is generated (containing only the certificate). If SMARTCARD is specified, then writes the recovery key and certificate to a smart card. CER to the EFS recovery policy to create the recovery key for users, and import the. An administrator may add the contents of the. CER file (containing only the certificate). PFX file (containing certificate and private key) and a. R generates an EFS recovery key and certificate, then writes them to a. Using this option finds all the encrypted files on the local drives. This option only works with /U and prevents keys being updated. If ECC is specified, a self-signed certificate is created with the supplied key size. Note: By default, /K creates a certificate and key that conform to current group policy. If this option is chosen, all the other options are ignored. These files are omitted by default.Ĭreate new file encryption key for the user running CIPHER. It is recommended you encrypt the file and the parent directory.ĭisplays files with the hidden or system attributes. The encrypted file could become decrypted when it is modified if the parent directory is not encrypted. Directories are marked so that files added afterward are encrypted. E encrypts the specified files or directories. Directories are marked so that files added afterward are not encrypted. By default, CIPHER continues executing even if errors are encountered.ĭisplays information on the encrypted file.ĭecrypts the specified directories. Windows Vista and later syntax CIPHER ]ĬIPHER /R:file name ĬIPHER /ADDUSER ]ĬIPHER /REMOVEUSER /CERTHASH:hash ]Ībort if an error is encountered.

The command to encrypt xfile is